Dream Catchers and Dreamscapes
I’ve had this little gypsy tent image in my head for a while. Beautiful draping tapestries and gauze, dream catchers twirling in the breeze and plush pillows that entice you to drop what you’re doing, curl up inside and blissfully gaze into the sky. The trial run teepee was built in my backyard and it was so cozy my dog couldn’t even be enticed away with her favorite ‘snausage’ bribery. I couldn’t have built such a magical little tent with out the help of the amazing custom home and nursery designer, White Hall Farm & bohemian home decor specialist, Amays Decor. Building and styling this teepee shoot was only accomplished with the talented jewelry designer, Lisbeth, of Boho Global. All the way from Norway, this beautiful soul came to visit Los Angeles to spread the word about her incredible line and carved out time to help us plan this shoot featuring her beaded jewels.Continue reading…