Rainy Day, Dream Away
Let the sun take a holiday
The perks to living in Southern California…beach days all year round. In general I live a little too far inland to make the beach a regular part of my week (or month, or year for that matter) but when I get the chance it’s always such a serene experience and I vow to return sooner than later. What better to wear on a stormy January day than a blue velvet mini. With cozy pink thigh highs and ankle strap clogs, I felt a little like a California-ized Harajuku girl. Speaking of Hariauku, I am heading back to Japan in May and absolutely can’t wait for a few days of incredible fashion indulgence. Until then I’ll enjoy my beach time and west coast style vibes.Continue reading…
Hell Yes, 2017
New Year, New Bunnie
The first post of the new year. I have an incredible amount of things to be thankful for that happened this past year. I started off 2016 by a trip to Japan, New Orleans, Maui, Canada, then while I was in Ohio I got a call that brought me to Europe for over three months to tour with the Italian artist, Zucchero. I’ve barely had a chance to settle back home and now I’m getting ready to head out again. This time for six months in five continents! This year I’m gonna hit it hard, the blog is getting an overhaul and I PROMISE the clothing line and perfume line will be released. (Which in fact will be finished before I leave for tour in March!) That is my absolute New Year’s resolution that I will not and cannot break. My “flossing every day” New Year’s resolution has become pretty comical because it’s been attempted the past five years with complete failure. I completely thrive on staying busy and this year is gonna be jam packed with performing, travel and the start to my new fashion business. And what better way to roll into the new year than in a couture dress from J Gerard Couture and Octer crushed velvet thigh highs.Continue reading…