Eclectic Mixing with Shopbop.
I’ve always been a sucker for the ultimate vintage find. When one of the most complimented pieces in your closet comes from the $10 table of your favorite vintage vendor at the flea market, it’s better than the first day of markdowns on the Nordstrom shoe rack. All these items kinda came together in a fun, quirky way. Some of these bangles my mom used to rock in the 70’s, the denim jacket was the best hand-me-down I’ve every received, and the dress was in fact one of those $10 purchases. All mixed together with some modern jewels, platforms and designer moonies. Inspired by the Modern Magpie collection of Shopbop, this outfit was a fun experiment of how far I could play around this look. And just in time for spring Shopbopping…
This coin clutch…one of my favorite little accessories from Pachamama Bohemian.
Get a little feminine, get a little quirky and have fun with your magpie trends!
Dress, Jacket, Moonies, Bracelets are all vintage / Coin Clutch Pachamama Bohemian / Rings Eclectic Bling Jewelry & Shannon Noelke Metal Arts
Photos by Jasmin Ayala
I love that dress so much! I feel you on the second hand finds. My favorite accessories are my vintage rings collected over the past few years. Everyone asks where I got them and everyone is jealous when they learn the source.