Creative gift wrapping with upcycled items.
If you’re anything like me, you probably keep every single reusable shopping bag ever given to you. I probably have 20+ Free People cloth bags, a handful of Urban Outfitters reusable totes, and basically anything with a cute logo that can be used again. I especially love using these bags for my shoes when I travel. I’m a hoarder when it comes to shoes and I get paranoid about any types of scuffs or squishing when I throw em in a suitcase, so every shoe always gets it’s own little cloth bag. Recently I’ve been getting more creative with my reusable totes and have been using them in my gift wrapping. With Valentine’s approaching I thought I’d share an easy and cheap way to customize your small box and jewelry gifting.
A normal gift box with stuffing…
Turned into an adorable bohemian-chic custom box.
Basically all you need is enough fabric from a Free People bag or any of your other favorites, and a paper rectangle (I use scraps of bristol paper from old projects) cut to the size of the stuffing.
Wrap, pinch and tape. Or just shove it in the box. It’s snug enough that the fabric will stay tucked.
Other fabrics such as burlap make really cute jewelry beds too.
For the top of the boxes, I found free patterns online and printed them onto sticker paper.
I used the same paper that we used to print the Vanilla Extract logos. Any office store carries it.
With remaining bristol paper, I stuck the printed stickers to that and cut out mini tags and used a hole punch to attach it to the string. The string is baker’s twine that comes in a dozens of different striped colors. Most craft stores carry it.
Linking up with Funday Monday
so pretty!
I love these.
Tiffany Ima
Style Honestly
These are super cute! I love personalizing gift boxes/wrappings.
Thanks, Lindsay! I know, I love getting presents that come in super personalized boxes:)
LOVE THIS!!! Can’t wait to share it!!! 🙂