Both kinds of music

Boots, hats and some LFDW outlaw merch. On a day-to-day basis you’ll always see me in a pair of cowboy boots. But I just couldn’t resist some suede over-the-knees with an oversize sweatshirt. Live Forever Die Whenever makes some super rad ‘outlaw shit’ AND they’re based out Cincinnati, Ohio, home of my alma mater. From studying classical viola at University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, I would have never imagined having a career as a fiddle and pedal steel player. I didn’t even listen to country music, let alone western music back then. Crazy how it all evolves…

Yee-haw, bunnies!
Country & Western Sweatshirt Live Forever Die Whenever / Black Cowboy Hat Planet Cowboy / Cock Bolo Planet Cowboy / Satin Panties Clare Bare
Photography by Angela Izzo