Vegas has long time been a second home for me of sorts. I’ve spent months in the city of sin on and off for over eight years and have performed at least 200 shows all along the strip. By no means will Vegas every win my heart over Los Angeles, but there is something always familiar and welcoming when I visit. Recently new friendships have made this destination feel even more like home. The Good Wolf LV is an incredible boutique owned by two amazing entrepreneurs who have become dear friends. Their style is impeccable and the store is beautifully curated with a collection of affordable clothing that makes my own closet jealous. What’s even better is that worlds have collided and another dear friend of mine, Boho Lizzy, is a featured jewelry artist at The Good Wolf LV. Everything from this shoot can be found locally in Vegas!

Viva Las Vegas!
All Jewelry Boho Lizzy / Clothing The Good Wolf LV
Photography by Ashley Marie Myers