Glam in the times of no one giving a shit about glam

Surprisingly (or maybe not surprisingly) my unemployed life has remained fairly busy. Working on recordings, practicing, creating content for Katie & Andrea, painting, organizing, planning a Boho Bunnie empire, frozen cocktailing, neglected plant watering, unemployment filing, TikTok tutorial-ing (yes I’ve succumbed, find me @bohobunnie), occasional yoga-ing, daily walking, million dollar house hunting, weekly road tripping around Los Angeles, front lawn sunbathing, the ever delayed task of tax preparing. Unfortunately as a performing musician, dare I say we may have it the worst as far as returning to any type of normal career in the foreseeable future. It’s been a few months of looking on ways to reshape my career…lots of ideas have been floating around. Inevitably there will be some great shifts that come from this, but that doesn’t discount the days of pure despair. Which brings me to another of my favorite things to do during this quarantine. Dress the fuck up. Why? Honestly changing out of my oversized everything and into something fun gives me a task, makes me feel creative, and forces me to dig into the depths of my garage and shop for items I already own. Like finally wearing these fishnet socks I got in Italy two years ago. Thanks to Boho Lizzy and The Good Wolf for the ultimate in indoor glam with layered jewels and a beaded smoking jacket.

All jewelry Boho Lizzy / Sequin Smoking Jacket The Good Wolf
Photography by Ashley Marie Myers
Stay strong, be glam my bunnies!